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Some Interesting Facts About . . . Dating

  1. Couples usually wait until six to eight dates before they are willing to enter into an exclusive relationship.c
  2. The most common time for breakups is around three to five months.c

  3. On average, it takes between 12 to 14 dates before couples will trade house keys.c
  4. If a man can’t decide what to wear on a date, he might want to wear blue. Studies show that women are attracted to men in blue.r
  5. Ninety-two percent of single parents would rather date other single parents.m
  6. Thirty-three percent of online daters form a relationship, 33% do not, and 33% give up.o
  7. Four out of 10 workplace dating relationships result in marriage.i

  8. Psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania studied data from over 10,000 speed daters and found that most people make a decision regarding a person’s attraction within three seconds of meeting.l
  9. In the online dating world, women are afraid of meeting a serial killer. Men are afraid of meeting someone “fat.” According to Ann Rule, about 3% of men are psychopaths, of which only a tiny percentage are serial killers.i
  10. Typically, dating specialists suggest waiting until the third date to cook someone dinner at home.m
  11. Nearly 40% of men do not feel confident meeting a woman for the first time.r

  12. happy man

    Happy people attract more dates

  13. Studies show that happiness is contagious and that potential dates find it hard to walk away from happy people. One of the biggest turn-offs during a date is negativity.m
  14. Studies show that men are put off by groups of loud women. If a woman wants to get a date, she should break away from a loud group to give a man a chance to approach her.q
  15. Mirroring, or repeating someone’s body language, often impresses a date because it subtly conveys interest to the other person. One should avoid copying every move, however.k
  16. Body language studies show that revealing areas of the body that aren’t usually on display (such as the inner wrist, the inside of the upper arm, ankles, feet, inside calf muscle, and the nape of the neck) has an immediate effect on a date and shows an instant liking.k
  17. If you want to create an instant link with a date, say his or her name at least twice in the conversation. This shows attentiveness and connectiveness.l
  18. Studies show that remembering bits of information about a person and working them into conversations not only is highly flattering but also shows interest.i
  19. Bad breath and bad teeth are an instant turn-off for potential dates. If deep dental cleaning doesn’t improve a person’s breath, he or she could have a stomach bacterium called H. pylori, which causes bad breath.r
  20. Research has confirmed that women are more attracted to men who wear pheromone-based colognes or aftershaves such as 10X. Studies have also shown that women, who have a stronger sense of smell than men, are particularly attracted to musk and black licorice smells.r
  21. Body type is important in attracting a date. Studies show that overweight individuals were perceived less favorably than thin or muscular people. Thin individuals were perceived as intelligent but fearful, and muscular individuals were perceived as being healthy, brave, and good looking.r
  22. Top ten turn-offs for women include cystic acne, raggedy nails, flatulence and belching, missing teeth, body odor, bad breath, hairy nostrils, “man
  23. When a man first approaches a woman, she will base 55% of her initial impression of him on his appearance and body language, 38% on his style of speaking, and 7% on what he actually says.r

  24. woman flirts

    A woman will express interest in her date in several subtle ways

  25. If a woman is interested in her date, she will often smile at his jokes, play with her hair, fidget with an object such as a glass, blush when he pays her a compliment, pout or pucker her mouth, stumble over words, or lean in towards him.r
  26. Signs that a woman is not interested in her date include avoiding eye contact, faking a smile or not smiling, leaning away, answering in monosyllables, sagging her shoulders, looking at her watch, tapping her foot, or staring blankly.r
  27. Beautiful women typically get more stares, winks, and harassment than average-looking women do, but they are also less likely to get asked out by average-looking men because those men tend to be intimated by them.r
  28. The appropriate time to call after meeting a man or woman is hotly debated among dating experts. Typically, the ideal time to wait to call is two to four days, though no longer than four to five days. Calling too soon can appear desperate.l
  29. Choosing exciting places for a first date increases the chances of the other person falling for you. There is a definitive link between danger and physical/romantic attraction.k
  30. Worst places to go on first date include fast-food restaurants, your kids’ birthday party or school play, your parents’ house, strip clubs, X-rated films or swingers parties, a party where your ex will be, church activities, or window shopping.k
  31. Dating specialists suggest that if a woman doesn’t return a call after two messages, she is not interested.r
  32. Eye contact, or a “copulatory gaze,” is a primary and powerful tool for attracting a potential date for both men and women. However, the meaning of various types of eye contact differs from culture to culture.l

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