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What a Girl Wants

What a girl wants in a guy...that's the big question. With my research on women & chicks I have discovered that most girls want a man who is a winner. Below I have explained how any guy can be what a girl wants or quite simply a winner...

1. Winners play the dating game to win with women. They know there's no time to lose and take massive action to meet and attract the women they desire.

2. Winners focus on there past successes with women and forget their failures.

3. Winners focus on self-improvement when it comes to their dating and love life. They pay more attention on improving their appearance and personal habits. They know the better you look and act are going to attract a lot of women.

4. Winners have high self-esteem. They always act confident around women and I can assure you that women are very attracted to men who act confident.

5. Winners practice smiling every single day. They know what a powerful influence you can have over a woman with a warm, friendly, and sincere smile. It's true that you can literally melt a woman's heart with a warm smile.

6. Winners do not procrastinate. When they see an opportunity to meet a woman they don't stall and ponder on whether to approach her. They take action and approach her immediately!

7. Winners take 100% responsibility for what happens in their love life. They know they are responsible for what happens to them both positive and negative.

8. Winners don't dwell on their failures and rejections from single women. They learn a lesson from each experience and move on.

9. Winners have a positive mental attitude. They go on dates to have fun and don't think about what can go wrong on a date.

10. Winners always have a game plan for succeeding with women. They know what they are going to do and how to do it when it comes to scoring with single women.

There you have it. If you will make these ten qualities a part of your personality, you will succeed with women beyond your wildest dreams.

John Cuoco


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